
Lazy Days

I love days off.  Love them!  I have vacation this week which makes my days off even better.  I usually only take a day or two off and then cram all my days of work together so I can go somewhere.  Then I am exhausted for the trip, come home, work a bunch of days and then basically collapse.  This week is the first time that I'm taking almost a whole week off, and doing nothing but hanging out with Munchkie.

Today is basically our first day of nothing vacation, we took our friends to the airport yesterday from our weekend of fun.  So far we have stayed in our pajamas, made scrambled eggs, colored and then watched a few minutes of Elmo's World before Munchkie headed upstairs to naptime.   Let me tell you how fabulous it is to spend worry free time with Munchkie.  Maybe tomorrow I will start getting stuff done around the house, but for today, I'm going to enjoy every precious minute with Munchkie.  You know what, I don't think I'll do anything tomorrow either, except maybe go do something fun with Munchkie.  This is my Munchkie vacation, not my cleaning vacation.

Chilling on the couch in our pjs

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