
Friends are friends forever.......

I haven't been able to do much except work, sleep, repeat the last several days.  Ugh!  However, it was for a great cause!  MY FRIENDS ARE COMING!  I get so excited when people come to visit, and these friends are forever friends.  Munty and I jokingly called each other husband and wife while in nursing school because we spent more time with each other than anybody else, including our boyfriends.  I am so excited to pick them up from the airport that I am not even tired and really need to get at least a couple hours of sleep after working last night.  Here are a few pictures from my past that I went looking for this morning and they bring up all kinds of memories!  I can't wait for a great weekend followed by a week of vacation from work!

This is Munty and I freshman year of college headed to our very first nursing clinical.

Munty and I at our nursing "capping."  Yes we had to wear actual nurses' hats.

Munty and I a few weeks ago when we went to Illinois.  Oh how our lives have changed since that first day of clinical!

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