

I picked Munchkie up from daycare today and ended up staying for a little bit talking with her teacher.  They document everything the children do from each minute they sleep, to each bite they take as well as every time they go to the bathroom.  My poor Munchkie had wet herself at least 6 times, sometimes just minutes after sitting on the toilet.  Yesterday morning by the time I woke up there was a pile of dirty wet clothes from her multiple accidents. This started happening last week after she would go an entire week without an accident.

It's amazing how much your own feelings can influence a child who doesn't even comprehend the feelings her parents are feeling.  Right now I can not even comprehend all that is going on in our life.  There have been way too many stressors and way too many tragedies in our lives lately.  I feel like every time I log onto Facebook I see something else that adds to my prayer list and brings tears to my eyes.  I don't understand why these things are happening to those I love, but I will continue to pray for the families of those going through difficult times.

I am also praying for peace and comfort to my own family.  We are taking a several day hiatus from potty training, knowing that we will be traveling and celebrating the life of a close family member.  We are hoping that upon our return we will be able to restore a happy, positive, peaceful environment to our home and begin the potty training process over again. 

I am going to continue telling myself that regressions happen and it is not my fault that Munchkie is being influenced by the feelings of her parents.  As a parent you want to protect your child from the negative things in life, but no matter how hard you try, they are touched by it.  It kills me to know that my tears and my sadness are directly relating to her accidents, but I also want Munchkie to understand that emotions are not something to be hidden and covered up.  I want to teach her that in difficult times we "pay to Sheshus (pray to Jesus)," in good times we "pay to Sheshus" and with his help, we can overcome all of the hurt and stress in our lives.