
Set Your Piggies Free part two

I don't claim to be very good at computers.  I definitely can only maneuver my way around my select websites and use the few programs that I understand.  So therefore when I tried to type after posting a video from youtube I couldn't figure it out and so just decided to start another post.

I am learning a lot of lessons from Sesame Street these days.  I swore I would not let my child watch TV.  I swore that my daughter would not know who TV characters were and I would not use TV as a source of entertainment.  Unfortunately it all started one day and due to the massive amounts of books we have read to Munchkie she was already in love with Elmo.  Watching him play music and dance around just sealed the deal.  Now the first thing I hear in the morning is "Elmo!  Mommy?  Elmo?" coming from her crib.  Multiple times a day Munchkie brings me the remote and says "Elmo? Bert? Please?" and when I try to read one of the multiple Sesame Street books we have laying around it works until the book is over.  It's official.  We are addicts.  I try to make myself feel better with the thoughts that we probably read 20-30 books (sometimes the same book 10 times) at least each day.

So today this song was on (along with the I Love My Hair song, which is a huge hit) and it made me think.  "Set your piggies free, set your piggies free."  We cram our feet into tight uncomfortable shoes and suffer through pain because we are supposed to.  We do so many things because we are supposed to we tend to get quite stiff.  We forget that we need to set our piggies free.  We all need to let ourselves go sometimes.  We get so caught up in our day to day schedules that we don't take time to have fun and truly relax. 

Munchkie has shown me how to take pleasure in the small things.  She loves to dance, shake and spin around.  Especially at the end of the day she loves to have dance parties.  I think that is our way of debriefing from our day.  I think sometimes it's good to have Sesame Street remind us to let our piggies go.  We can't necessarily throw our schedules out the window, but maybe we need to let our piggies free from the stress of life.  Maybe we need to just debrief and let ourselves go once in a while.  Have some fun, dance in your living room, sing to some silly songs and ignore the life that causes stress.

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