
I Haven't Forgotten

Don't worry I have not forgotten about my blog.  I think that if I don't have time to read the blogs I subscribe to or take care of my house, then I myself shouldn't be blogging.  I have 147 unread emails in my blog folder alone.  With my netbook power cord out in a United States Postal Service black hole, I sat around wishing that I could feed my internet addiction while on vacation.  I realized that since it was vacation, maybe that meant I needed to just chill out and enjoy a vacation. 

Now I'm back to work, trying to also prepare for an in-law Christmas.  I am so tired tonight after working all day, but I have to get completely packed and make sure that we have everything ready to take with us tomorrow.  Munchkie's Daddy, Munchkie, Pup 1 and Pup 2 are picking me up from work tomorrow and we're heading straight to the north country.  So I'm giving my legs/feet a brief break and catching up on my very delinquent blogging.

Now that I have let out my excuses, I can let out what I've been thinking about.

Today at work I had a patient with a diagnosis that I had never taken care of before, so of course I did what everyone who needs to know something does.  Google it. 

When my search results popped up I naturally clicked on the first link because it seemed pretty legit.  I started to read the article and noticed that the author was a professor from the same hospital I work in and it had been published within the last few months.  It really hit me how blessed I am to be able to work in a hospital that produces first-result-in-Google-articles.  I know that everyone grumbles and groans about their job, and I will definitely admit that I have those days, but I sometimes just have to be very thankful for the experiences I have been given.  I often forget where I came from and where I am now.  I have seen all kinds of things that I never would have seen had I stayed in my home town or at my first nursing job.  How incredible is it that my fellow coworker (I'm sure the distinguished professor would not appreciate being considered my coworker) is so knowledgeable and experienced that their article is the number one search result on the biggest search engine in the world.  Wow.  While there are days that I may come home exhausted, drained and not overjoyed with my job, I need to remember where I am.  I may not realize it while I am in the moment, but I am experiencing things that some people can only read about in articles.  How amazing is that?  It doesn't really make my feet hurt less or make it any less difficult to leave Munchkie before work, but it does make me pause and appreciate this season of life.

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