

I haven't been doing as well keeping up with my blog posts because every second Munchkie free is spent working on our Christmas presents.

Speaking of Christmas, our mail box has been stuffed full with holiday toy catalogs since November 1st.  The first day, the Target catalog slipped out of the handful of mail and Munchkie grabbed it up.  She immediately went to the couch and sat there flipping each page.  As each page turned she ooooh and aaaaah.  This catalog provided her with such entertainment and I was in awe of the genius marketing of Target.  She has flipped through this catalog an uncountable number of times now and it has provided literally hours of entertainment in our house.

The funniest part about this is that Munchkie has absolutely no idea what she is looking at.  She gets so excited and searches each page for what she recognizes. Exclamations of "doggy!", "kitty!", "car!", "Elmo!" "Saur-saur! (dinosaur)" can be heard from almost every room in our house.  Do you think that Target's marketing department envisioned my daughter spending endless hours pouring over their catalog with absolutely no interest in the actual toys?

I think one of my favorite parts of this age is how exciting every small thing can be.  Isn't childhood joy amazing and inspiring?  I wish that I could have such enthusiasm and excitement over a bow, or a pink toothbrush with Elmo and Abby on it.  Shouldn't we all take lessons from these small children?  Shouldn't we look around us each moment of each day and be so thankful for every small thing?  If we took the time to acknowledge the small things, I think we would each have the joyful and carefree life we wish we could have.  Maybe instead of focusing on what material possessions we "need" or want we can take a lesson from Munchkie and get excited for what we know and can recognize.

This season of giving I'm going to try to look around me for the small blessings instead of focusing on all of the things I have to get done.  Thanks Munchkie for such a valuable lesson!

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