These are topics that need to be talked about. People everywhere need to realize that they are not weird, or broken because they can't feel the way they think should. You do not have to slip into the darkness and pain with no place to go. There are people all around you who are struggling just as you are. It may not just be the stranger in line behind you at the store, it may be one of your close friends, or a family member that is embarrassed by their depression. Everyone needs to know that they are loved.
If you feel that you are alone. If you feel that you have a deep force that is preventing you from feeling. If you don't know how you can get through another day. If you think that your life is just not worth living.
Please Please PLEASE reach out to someone. Someone you trust. Someone you know loves you, even though you can't feel their love.
It's hard. It's really hard.
But you are special.
You are important.
And you have every right to deserve to live a life full of happiness and joy. If you can't talk to someone, if you have no one you can trust, then talk to a stranger who wants to help you.
If you live in Massachusetts you can contact Samaritans via phone (877-870 HOPE (4673), online or text (text "START" to 741-741).
If you live anywhere in the US you can call 1-800-273-8255 or 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) to talk to someone.
If you don't know where you can find help for your struggles Project Semicolon has many resources for you. Or if you are worried about someone you love.
If you want to support and raise awareness but know that tattoos aren't your thing, there are many other beautiful ways to show you care. Let those around you know that you want to be supportive and loving. Start a conversation.
Please don't be quiet. Please don't live in a silent darkness. Please don't be ashamed.
Continue your story.
Continue to live.
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